Bad women when we're the best

Friday, February 02, 2001  

I might have found a replacement for Blogger, should they close the door for good. It is a program which resides on our computers which then can upload and download pages as needed when either one of us would post entries. You can do a lot of costumisation with this program as it is template based. In fact each of us could have each our own template on the same page (I think) and from what I've been able to figure out there is also an archive funtion, but I haven't managed to get as far as to try that out yet. But the drawbacks is, that is more people would want to participate in a BadBlog they would have to download this program and it's for PC only which would leave out the MAC's entirely. Also this solution is not entirely friendly towards those who doesn't know much or anything about HTML. And finally I don't know how a comments feature could be added to it.

Anyway I still think that we should hold on to Blogger for as long as possible, but keep looking at and investigating alternatives.

posted by Sara . | 6:33:25 PM

I found a place where I could play with cgi and Greymatter, but oh boy, I don't think cgi and me ever will be a good combination. I managed to get as far as being able to upload and do all the chmodding. But from there it went down hill, never managed to get to where I could see the test entries I posted :( So unless we can find someone to set it up for us and give a "Greymatter for Dummies" explanation, I think we're pretty much stuck with Blogger until whatever happens there.

posted by Sara . | 8:22:50 AM

Thursday, February 01, 2001  

Thank you so much Sara, it was pretty good but I couldn't have any people here since they don't wanna get sick ;-)

posted by susanne | 11:40:14 PM

Happy Birthday Susanne :) Hope you have a good one :)

posted by Sara . | 10:46:43 AM

We might want to hold off promoting BadBlog too much. According to this article, which iswritten by one of the people behind Pyra/Blogger, things are not too well right now and we might or might not have Blogger around for a long time :(

posted by Sara . | 9:54:57 AM

Awww Susanne I hope you get to feel much better very soon. Hmm how have we decided to do this... I think we kinda decided to introduce people to this blog at the end of the week and then slowly adding those who is willing to provide some quality content.

posted by Sara . | 3:59:25 AM

Wednesday, January 31, 2001  

Hi, sneaking it to just ask how we have decided to do this?
I think someone deleted all my emails (could it be me?)
The flu just started over tonight again....

posted by susanne | 11:44:24 AM

no don't click! it is just another boring diet program. my question is - have you ever tried one of them that works and made you NOT wanting to kill something and eat it?
now i know i am fat! but it is not a healthrisk - yet. should i torture myself just to look good to others? should i forsake freshly baked bread with just a touch of melting butter? the apple pie with vanilla cream? chips and dip? should i really have to drink withever goo they try to sell me and claim to be healthy for me? we are educated, we know that only two things work: less food, more exercice - or a drastic surgical operation. i just discovered i once again fit into my black linnen skirt but that all my tops are too small... seems like some fat-replacement is taking place here. tummy--->tits. it must be puberty all over again. ack! no wonder i have been so cranky lately.

posted by jema mouse | 10:24:45 AM

Trust does not guarantee that you will be safe from hurt.
Trust only provides the opportunity to find true Love.
Thought A Day (c)1999, JAM

posted by Sara . | 9:21:26 AM

Tuesday, January 30, 2001  

You really gotta go read Eyeblog by Ann-S-Thesia. It's very, very funny at times and she's got the weirdest dreams at times.

posted by Sara . | 6:50:54 PM

Sorry I haven't been worth much lately. This allergy/sinus ting is making havoc with my sleeping and only let me get 2 or 3 hours in a row. Managed to get a bit more sleep last night, but I'm still sitting here trying not to get keyboard imprints in my forehead.:)

posted by Sara . | 4:53:34 PM

i just spent a long time laughing at these borrowed blogs. the fact that all entries are without their proper context makes them even funnier and i found a lots of really good blogs here too. if they borrow from me - they will make my day, like a sign that i can be funny too.

posted by jema mouse | 4:05:02 PM

Monday, January 29, 2001  

We have BlogVoices installed now :) And the show IP is enabled should someone decide to stir a little shit around ;P

posted by Sara . | 4:01:49 PM

sara, why pull the pages? let them just sit where they are, even if you get few visitors you will get some. and it will keep you on the edge, trying to think of new stuff to add:-)

about the guestbooks, i have to agree, i think it is a "community thing" if you post your site to the "tidbits" or on any of them boards you will get hoards of visitors, lots of comments in the g-book etc... but is it wirth it? i have to say i find the comments boring mostly, they never even look and read the pages, just jump straight ahead to the g-book and leave their own link there - like some odd race where the goal is to have more hits then anyone else. and i have to think real hard to remember the last time i signed a guestbook myself... nope, can't remember!

posted by jema mouse | 3:06:31 PM

i am disturbed today. my pet-rat mimi died last night and i still haven't gotten around to bury her - i just cannot bring myself to touch dead animals. i will let my brother deal with it when he gets here. i really should not have any shortlived pets. it is a trauma everytime they die. so perhaps a turtle next time? someone to outlive me with a century or so...
in a way i am glad it was mimi that went stiff. had it been one of the cats i would be devastated. my mum had a horrible suggestion, she actually said, and i quote:

"why don't you give the dead rat to one of the cats?"


i live in a family with no heart!

now on to some good animal news from Dr Dolittle:

the hamster, Boo, will get a new cage, a multi-flat cage with flags on:-) so far he has been living in a green plastic box, a big box but still, just a box. this will mean that his tiny hamster ears will be safe from the hamster-fishing kitty medusa. yay from boo.

posted by jema mouse | 9:26:53 AM

Isn't this The home of the anti-dubya webring being a little extreme? Yeah I know he might not be all that wonderfull but neither was Bill "I didn't inhale" Clinton. Hmm makes me wonder if anyone has made anti Gore and Clinton webrings.... Geesh what people will come up with instead of taking responsebility for the issues, but I guess it's always easier to attack the person.

posted by Sara . | 8:55:39 AM

I've been thinking lately of pulling my web pages, except the blog because I very rarely get any reponse from visitors. I only know they're there because I can see the tracks of them on the counter. Am I the only one who isn't getting comments etc from my pages unless I hold a gun to peoples head and ask abot feedback whenever I have done anything there?

I'm also wondering a little if it's a sign of the times that people don't sign guestbooks etc anymore? It seems like people were more into that kind of things way back in time when I first got online (5 - 6 years ago). Either that or it's because I don't do groups like LOTH, Gardenhouse etc actively like I used to.

posted by Sara . | 8:29:33 AM

Jema I"m sorry about mimi :( I've never been doing good when I've lost one of my animals or had to be away from either. When we got Flash neutered and he had to stay at the vet overnight, I was walking around the house like a lion in a cage.

posted by Sara . | 8:22:36 AM

I've never had nay real disturbing search requests, but then I'm not really that colorfull in my language or have an opinion about everything like some bloggers tend to have.

posted by Sara . | 6:11:07 AM

Sunday, January 28, 2001  

Susanne the link is out on the side *G*

posted by Sara . | 6:53:50 PM

this is one of the funniest blogs i read! but then i am rather infantile today:-) Disturbing Search Requests what is your funniest searchengine-hit?

posted by jema mouse | 12:56:52 PM

Sara could you give me the url for Crunchblog?
Lazy lazy me!!!

posted by susanne | 12:04:36 PM

Hey what do you gals think of getting Blog Voices for BadBlog once we start getting a little more traffic? That way we can keep some chit-chat off the main page and hopefully have it under the different posts. If you want to see what it looks like I've got it installed on Crunchblog.

posted by Sara . | 9:58:41 AM

I posted two links to two blogs I personally like a lot.
Living Colors is by a young woman KayCee and her story of survival from Cancer. MetaFilter is a large scale community blog, where members can post links to and discuss interesting tidbits found elsewhere on the net. If either of you feel compelled to post or comment over there, lurk first until you find out what it all is about.

posted by Sara . | 1:22:04 AM